Thursday, April 1, 2010

Arizona State Scholastic Chess Championships

The 2010 Arizona State Scholastic Chess Championships are being held in Tucson at the Holiday Inn - Palo Verde on April 23-25. A flier for the event with tournament details is available at the SACA website.

In order to play in the event, players much first qualify. Qualification requirements are as follows:
To play in the AZ State Scholastic Championships, a player must qualify a “slot” at a Regional Qualifier. A school may bring the number of players equal to the number of slots qualified at all regionals +1; a team qualifying exactly two in a section may bring 4 players in that section. Players in: K-1 who wish to qualify for the K-1 section do so by either playing four rounds OR by scoring three points, in any section of any qualifier; Primary, Elementary & Junior High must score at least 3 points at a qualifier; High School do not have to qualify.

The last remaining chance to qualify in Tucson is the Tucson Scholastics (RQ 2), being held March 27 at Harelson Elementary. There are other qualifiers being held throughout the state and players in the Southern Region are allowed to play in those events. Contact us if you need a list of other qualifiers being held in the state.

Registration for the event can be done online at the SACA website. Select the tournament in the left side bar and registration information will load in the main frame. USCF membership is required for this event. You can check the status of your USCF membership here. If you need to join USCF or renew your membership you can do it online at the USCF website.

The special room rate at the Holiday Inn is $69/night (single/double) and $89/night for a suite. Mention "SACA" or "chess tournament" when you reserve your rooms. The phone number for the hotel is (520) 746-1161. You can also book your rooms online.

This is also a Blitz tournament Friday, April 23. Registration for that event is also available at the SACA website. There are no qualification requirements. USCF membership is required as well.

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this event.


Chessdad said...

This is a huge undertaking by SACA, and as a chess parent, I'm grateful for all their efforts. And for the fact that I don't have to travel to State this year. :)

So, all you other chess parents out there (yes you), let's show our gratitude by pitching in. There is a lot more to be done to make this a great event then the small group of SACA officers can do by themselves (hauling trophies, setting up boards, keeping score, etc.). I promise, it'll be a lot more fun than schleping the laptop around pretending to get work done. And you'll get the good feeling of helping make your children's event a memorable one.

Unknown said...

Chess parents are such an underappreciated bunch! They deserve a round of applause.