Monday, March 9, 2009

Khalsa "Double-Fives" tournament wrap-up

Josh Leonard reports that the Khalsa "Double-Fives" (Bughouse) tournament was a success. Fourteen teams participated in the event last Friday evening at Khalsa Montessori School.

Final Standings:
1. Noam/Ricky: 7 pts.

2. Daniel/Zak: 6 pts. (21 TB = TieBreaker points)
3. Aiya/Stephanie: 6 pts. (19 TB)

4. Hayden/Anderson: 5 pts. (18 TB)
5. Cepheus/Carlos: 5 pts.(16 TB)
6. Pablo/Matthew: 5 points (15 TB)

7. Joshua/Patrick K.: 4 pts. (20 TB)
8. Liam/Patrick F.: 4 pts. (14 TB)
9. Weston/Eli: 4 pts. (11 TB)

10. Lukas/Conrad: 3 pts

11. Spike/Santino: 2 pts.(16 TB)
12. Marirosa/Chloe: 2 pts. (14 TB)
13. Bernardo/Joseph: 2 pts. (10 TB)

14. Keenan/Preston: 0 pts.

Double-fives (more commonly called bughouse) is a popular chess variant played on two chessboards by four players in teams of two. Normal chess rules apply, except that captured pieces on one board are passed on to the players of the other board, who then have the option of putting these pieces on their board.

Khalsa plans on hosting another tournament in either April or May, so keep an eye out!

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