Monday, December 22, 2008
Eastside Chess Club - Holiday Closure
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
New National Tournament Director (NTD)
Enrique is the Vice President of SACA and has been directing tournaments for numerous years. He recently passed the rigorous National TD exam, and received the news at the National K12 Grade Championship tournament.
The NTD requirements include:
38. Experience Requirements.
a. Satisfactory performance as chief TD of 15 Category B tournaments, three of which awarded $1,000+ in prizes (the following may be substituted for five Category B tournaments: any combination of five Category B1 or B2 tournaments or any combination of ten Quick Chess Category B, B1, or B2 tournaments), and
b. Satisfactory performance as chief TD of a Category R tournament or satisfactory performance as chief TD at two Quick Chess Category R tournaments, and
c. Satisfactory performance as chief TD or Chief Assistant to a national or associate national TD at a Category T tournament of at least four rounds or satisfactory performance as chief TD or Chief Assistant to a national associate national TD at two Quick Chess Category T tournaments of at least four rounds, and
d. Satisfactory performance as Chief Assistant to a national TD at a Category N1 tournament (the following may be substituted for one Category N1 tournament: Both a Category N3 AND a Category N4 tournament), and
e. Satisfactory performance as chief TD or Chief Assistant to a national TD at an additional Category N1, N2, N3, N4, A, A1, or A2 or satisfactory performance as chief TD or Chief Assistant to a national TD at any combination of two additional Quick Chess Category N1, N2, N3, N4, A, A1, or A2 tournaments, but
f. Allowable substitution for Requirement A is a satisfactory performance as chief TD of ten Category B tournaments (the following may be substituted for three Category B tournaments: any combination of three Category B1 or B2 tournaments or any combination of six Category B, B1, or B2 tournaments) plus 20 Category C tournaments (he following may be substituted for six Category C tournaments any combination of six Category C1 or C2 tournaments or any combination of 12 Quick Chess Category C, C1 or C2 tournaments), three of which awarded $1,000+ in prizes.
39. Testing Requirement.
A rigorous essay examination designed to measure the applicant's understanding of the philosophies behind the rules. An experienced national TD grades the examination. The same form of the same examination may not be taken more than once by any applicant. If the NTD gives the exam a failing grade, the applicant may request that the exam be regraded by two additional experienced NTDs. A regrade will automatically occur if the applicant scored between 70%-79%. The final result of the grading process will then be the result given by at least two of the three graders. The same form of the same examination may not be taken more than once by any applicant.
40. Limitations.
41. Expiration.
Congratulations Enrique!
View a list of other Southern Arizona tournament directors at
Friday, December 5, 2008
Jean Hoffman featured in newspaper article.

Each day in December, we (Arizona Daily Star) are writing about a Gift of Tucson. These are people who quietly make our town what it is — volunteers, parents, neighbors, people who commit random acts of kindness. Go to to read about other gifts of Tucson.In continues...
But after graduating from Yale, she took some time off from school and went to New York City to teach chess in low-income schools.Jean is hosting an informal chess gathering Dec. 8 at the Hotel Congress at 5:00 pm for anyone that is interested.
"I thought it would be part-time," said Hoffman. "But it was there that I became a believer in the power of chess as a teaching tool."
So she went on to get her master's in education from Harvard, and headed back to her Tucson home, where she launched the nonprofit 9 Queens.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
CORRECTION: Fliers for League Match #3 corrected
- The registration dates for League Match #3 is Dec. 4 (and Dec. 5 for Friday chess clubs), not the dates that were originally listed.
- The start time for the tournament is 9:00 am, not 10:00 am. All other times should be adjusted accordingly to 1 hour earlier than was originally listed.
Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause players, parents or coaches. Please pass along the corrected dates and time. Thank you.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
***Special Announcement – A New Book***
History, Psychology, Techniques, Champions, World Records and
Important Games
Eliot Hearst and John Knott
McFarland and Company, Inc., Publishers, library binding
The first comprehensive study of the phenomena of chess played
without sight of the board, captured in a new book that has been 30
years in the making. This fascinating treatise describes the
personalities and achievements of blindfold chess's greatest players,
including Philidor, Paulsen, Morphy, Blackburne, Zukertort,
Pillsbury, Reti, Alekhine, Koltanowski, Najdorf, and Fine, as well as
present-day grandmasters such as Anand and Kramnik. 444 games are
included, some never before published, peppered with diagrams and
annotations. The book provides suggestions to facilitate the
technique of playing blindfolded, as well as documentation of the
concrete benefits of learning to play without sight of the board to
improve your OTB chess. A section of the book contains a readable
summary of psychological research on general chess skill (as well as
the blindfold variant), where topics such as memory techniques,
imagery and visualization, expertise, etc., are discussed. Supposed
health hazards of blindfold play are also assessed.
Eliot Hearst is a former captain of the U.S. Olympic team, one of the
very few Life Senior Masters in Arizona, and one of the few Americans
to win a game from Bobby Fischer after he became a strong master; see
Fischer-Hearst at's excellent site:
After many years teaching and doing research at various universities
(e.g., Columbia, Berkeley, and Indiana), Eliot is now an adjunct
professor of psychology at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
You can order the book, due to be published around December 1 of this
year, by going to and clicking on either of
the two major suppliers, McFarland Publishers and Amazon Books. Or
you can phone in an order to McFarland by dialing 1-800-253-2187.
As a bonus, Eliot will sign your copy, with whatever personal note
you'd like (within reason!), sometime in January 2009 (location to be
announced), as well as at a signing session at the Tucson Open,
January 23-25.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Princeton students vs. NJ inmates
Kelvin Washington is a middle-aged man who's not going anywhere for the next 44 years. He's a career criminal who has spent 29 years behind bars for a string of robberies and burglaries.
An unlikely pairing, the two men went head to head Wednesday at the New Jersey State Prison, a maximum-security lockup. Their battlefield: a chess board.
In an unusual cultural exchange program that began six years ago, Princeton students travel to the prison in Trenton, 16 miles from their Ivy League campus, to play chess with the inmates.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
AZ players make 2009 All America Chess Team
The All America Team was created in 1987 to honor the very best players ages 18 and under. The team, one of the highest national honors attainable by a young chess player, is selected on the basis of age, rating, and activities during that year, similar to the selection process of “all conference” sports teams. This year’s candidates were selected based on their age as of January 1, 2008 and their peak post-tournament rating from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. Since this award is a “post-season” selection, the minimum rating limits in each age group are reviewed annually by the USCF staff and the USCF Scholastic Council.Congratulations to all!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
USCF Dues Changes
Rates currently in effect 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
Adult $41 $76 $109 (Dues Sale)
Young Adult $25 $44 $62
Youth $19 $33 $46
Scholastic $17 $30 $42
Sustaining (started prior to 2003) $95 $190 $285 $380 (4 Years)
Sustaining (started after 2002) $120 $240 $360 $480 (4 Years)
Senior $36 $65 $93
Special (Blind/prison) $12 (mail/phone only)
Family Type 1 $64
Family Type 2 $35
Life $1000 (single payment)
Trial (6 month membership) $27
Below are the new rates as passed by the Delegates. The Premium Regular Adult rates do not take effect until January 1, 2009, because the adult dues sale (ie, the $41 one-year rate) goes through the end of December, everything else takes effect on December 1, 2008.
New Rates as approved by Delegates 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
Regular Adult $29 $52 $74 (if paid online)
Regular Adult $36 $59 $81 (mail/phone)
Premium Adult $42 $78 $113 (if paid online)
Premium Adult $49 $85 $120 (mail/phone)
Young Adult $24 $43 $61
Premium Young Adult $32 $59 $85
Youth $20 $36 $51
Premium Youth $27 $49 $70
Scholastic $16 $28 $39
Scholastic $23 $43 $60
Sustaining (started prior to 2003) $95 $190 $285 $380 (4 Years)
Sustaining (started after 2002) $120 $240 $360 $480 (4 Years)
Senior $36 $65 $93 (if paid online)
Senior $43 $72 $100
Special (Blind/prison) $18 (mail/phone only)
Family Type 1 $70
Family Type 2 $44
Life $1500 (single payment)
The 6 month trial rate is discontinued effective December 1st, 2008.
No new sustaining memberships will be available effective December 1st, 2008, though current members who started sustaining membership plans prior to December 1st will be able to complete them at the rates shown above, ie $95 or $120 per year depending on when the sustaining membership plan started.
There are no affiliate commissions on special memberships. There are no affiliate commissions on regular adult, premium adult or senior dues if paid online, there is a $3 affiliate commission on everything else.
$7 and $12 tournament memberships are not affected by this, though of course the $5 and $10 credits towards a full-year or longer USCF membership will also be applicable towards the new membership categories.
Tucson Open and Scholastics
SECTIONS: Open, Reserve (U1800), Booster (U1400) & Scholastics (K-8/U1000). Scholastic section is 2 separate 1-day tournaments. Open, Reserve, & Booster Schedule: (3-day) 5/SS, 40/2, SD/1; Reg: 1/23 5:30-6:30 PM; Rds: 7, 10-5, 9-4. (2-day) 5/SS, Rds 1-2 G/90; Rds. 3-5 40/2, SD/1; Reg: 1/24 8:30-9:30 AM; Rds: 10-1:30-5, 9-4. (Scholastics) 4/SS, G/40; Reg: 1/23-25 8:30-9:30 AM; Round 1 at 10am then as available.A complete flier with entry form is available on the SACA website. Look for more news about the tournament as we get closer to the event.
PRIZES: (Open) $$G: $600(plaque)-400-300-200; $$b/4 X, A, B/below $150 ea. Trophy Top Jr. U20, Jr. U14, Sr. 50+, Top AZ Resident is also 2008 AZ State Champion; (Reserve) $$b/38: $250(plaque)-150(plaque); $$b/4 C, D/below $100 ea. Trophy to Top UNR, Jr. U14, Sr. 50+; (Booster) Trophy to Top 1st - 3rd Place, Top E, U1000/Unr and Jr. U11; (Scholastic each day) Trophy to 1st - 5th Place, Top U800, U600, and Unrated.
EF: GM/IM are FREE! (Open) $55; (Reserve) $45; (Booster) $25; (Scholastics) $15 for each tournament or $25 for both days. LATE FEE: Additional $10 ($5 for Scholastic) if entry received after 1/21. DISCOUNT: $10 off EF for Juniors (under age 20) and Seniors (age 50+) in Open and Reserve. ALL: 1/2 pt byes allowed for all rounds but must be requested prior to start of Round 2 (max 2). No Re-entries.
INFO: Karen Pennock, 520-975-3946, web: Ent: Make checks payable to SACA, mail to SACA, Attn: 2009 Tucson Open, PO Box 42407, Tucson, AZ 85733. NC. NS. W.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Scholastic Photos Posted
- Sep 6, 2008 - Tucson Scholastic Warm-Up
- Oct 4, 2008 - League Match #1
Thursday, October 9, 2008
2008 Merit Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the 2008 Merit Scholarship Winners:
5th grade – Bryan Hu (1780), Kinsleigh Wong (1536)
8th grade - Andy Lin (2056)
9th grade – Kevin Zhang (2108)
10th grade – Ashu Thakur (1979)
12th grade – Landon Brownell (2265), Vaishnav Aradhyula (2214), Jonathan Cox (2115)
(No winners in 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, or 11th grade)
To learn more about this award, visit
Friday, October 3, 2008
2008 Tucson Scholastic Warm-Up Results
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Updated League Ratings Posted
Monday, September 29, 2008
USCF awards SACA the Amateur through 2011.
Over the past 6 years of SACA running this event, participation has gone up every year from 117 players in 2003 to 168 last year.
The 2009 US Amateur West will be held Memorial Day weekend (May 23-25, 2009) at the Holiday Inn - Palo Verde. It is open to all USCF members under the rating of 2200. Other features of the Amateur include a Friday night blitz tournament (open to all ratings) and Master-level analysis of players' games, guest lecture, and simultaneous exhibition.
More details about the tournament will be available as we get closer to the event. For more information, please contact Karen Pennock.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Featured Games
Sunday, September 21, 2008
League Match #1 Flyer Posted
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tucson Scholastic Warm-Up Flyer Posted
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Featured Games
August Game of the Month Posted
Sunday, August 10, 2008
2008 AZ State Scholastic Championship Photos Posted
Saturday, August 2, 2008
2008 July Blitz G/5 Results Posted
Friday, August 1, 2008
SACA League Ratings have moved
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Summary of 2008 Western Alliance Summer Chess Camp
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ye Olde Pueblo Open Results Posted
Monday, July 28, 2008
2008-09 SACA Board
Karen Pennock
Enrique Huerta
Fritz Laos
Cristy Ferrari
Director's at Large
Robby Adamson
Satheesh Aradhyula
Jon Shacter
John Wright
As always, SACA is looking for help in all areas of the affiliate. These board members can't do it alone!
Ye Olde Pueblo results
The tournament as already been rated by USCF.
A complete Prize List and Final Standings will be available soon.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Ye Olde Pueblo is July 25-27
Masters already scheduled to play:
GM Alejandro Ramirez
IM Levon Altounian
FM Danny Rensch
FM Robby Adamson
NM Leonardo Martinez
NM Robert Rowley
A Heritage Event!
July 25-27 or 26-27. GPP: 30 (Enhanced) Arizona
Ye Olde Pueblo Open and Scholastics. Holiday Inn Palo Verde, 4550 S Palo Verde Rd., Tucson, AZ 85714, 520-746-1161. SECTIONS: Open, Reserve (U1800), Booster (U1400) & Scholastics (K-8 and U1000). Scholastic section is 2 separate 1-day tournaments. Open, Reserve, & Booster Schedule: (3-day) 5/SS, 40/2, SD/1; Reg: 7/25 5:30-6:30 PM; Rds: 7, 10-5, 9-4. (2-day) 5/SS, Rds 1-2 G/90; Rds. 3-5 40/2, SD/1; Reg: 7/26 8:30-9:30 AM; Rds: 10-1:30-5, 9-4. (Scholastics) 4/SS, G/40; Reg: 7/26-27 8:30-9:30 AM; Rds: 10-11:30-1:30-3. PRIZES: (Open) $$G: $500(plaque)-300-200; $$b/4 X, A, B/below $150 ea. Trophy Top K-12, K-8, Sr. 50+; (Reserve) $$b/38: $250(plaque)-150(plaque); $$b/4 C, D/below $75 ea. Trophy to Top UNR, K-8, Sr. 50+; (Booster) Trophy to Top 1st - 3rd Place, Top E, U1000/Unr and K-5; (Scholastic each day) Trophy to 1st - 5th Place, Top U800, U600, and Unrated. EF: (Open) $55 if by 7/23, $65 if after 7/23; (Reserve) $45 if by 7/23, $55 if after 7/23; $10 discount to Juniors under 20 for Open and Reserve only; (Booster) $25 if by 7/23, $35 if after 7/23; (Scholastics) $15 for each tournament or $25 for both days if by 7/23, additional $5 if after 7/23. ALL: 1/2 pt byes allowed for all rounds but must be requested prior to start of Round 2. No Re-entries. HR: $64 (single) or $72 (suite) if by 7/4, mention "SACA". Ent: Make checks payable to SACA, mail to SACA, Attn: 2008 Ye Olde Pueblo, PO Box 42407, Tucson, AZ 85733. Info: Karen Pennock, 520-975-3946, email:, web: NC. NS. W.
Flyer and entry form is available on the SACA Website.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Norman Gray Memorial Results Posted
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
US Amateur West Results Posted!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
US Amateur West Championship
The Am West is open to all USCF members rated under 2200 (below Master). There are 4 sections to choose from: Championship (U2200), Reserve (U1600), Booster (U1200) and Scholastic (U1000 and K-8). The Scholastic section is three 1-day tournaments, so you can choose to play in 1, 2, or all 3 events.
Once again this year the Las Vegas International Chess Festival has donated 2 free entries into the National Open and the Susan Polgar Foundation has donated DVDs as door prizes. Other features of the tournament include, free game analysis by FM Danny Rensch, a blitz tournament Friday night (May 23) and a Simul against FM Rensch on Sunday (May 25).
Full details of the tournament are available on the flier for the tournament.
National Open Free Entry Rules
Free entry to National Open for Winner(s).Thank you again to the organizers of the Las Vegas International Chess Festival for these prizes!
Non-transferable unless winner already entered the National Open.
Must notify SACA of transferee's name within 24 hours.
Then it is non-transferable again.
Winner (or transferee) must stay at Riviera to claim prize.
Unless Vegas resident.
I (the organizer) will hold a room Thu-Mon since the Am West is after the cutoff.
Must confirm room by 6/3.
Arizona tech sgt. takes chess championship
Keough, of the 563rd Operations Support Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., took first place in the 2008 Air Force Chess Tournament held last week at the Arizona installation.
Now, Keough and five other airmen advance to the Department of Defense-wide tournament set for June 8-14 at Davis-Monthan.
Monday, April 28, 2008
AZ State Scholastic Championship Results Posted
Monday, April 21, 2008
CFHS wins Back-to-Back National Championships
The team was lead by seniors (both National Masters) Landon Brownell and Vaishnav Aradhyula, who each finished tied for 6th place with 5.5 points. Also on the team were Kevin Zhang (4.5 pts.), Eli Alster and Victor Yee (4 pts. each), Jenelle Wallace (3.5 pts) and Matthew David (2 pts). Only the top 4 scores on a team count for team standings. Catalina Foothills High School finished in clear first with 19.5 points, just .5 points ahead of Thomas Jefferson HS from Alexandria, VA.
In 2005 and 2007, Catalina Foothills finished tied for first place, but with higher tie-breaker points than Edward R. Morrow High School from New York.
Also from Arizona
Team -
Gilbert High School (Tied for 4th Place)
Individual -
Ashu Thakur from University High School (Tied for 23rd Place)
Kaylan Burleigh from Gilbert High School (Tied for 23rd Place)
Jonathan Cox from Salpointe Catholic High School (Tied for 45th Place)
Amanda Mateer (Tied for 45th Place)
Nick Thompson from Gilbert High School (Tied for 45th Place)
Daniel Schucker from Gilbert High School (Tied for 45 Place)
Complete Standings are available at USCF.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
US Amateur Team Playoff this weekend! - Update
The first round is at 10:00am (local time).
South vs. East
West vs. Midwest
The winners of the first round will play against each other at 3:00pm (local time) to determine the title.
Good luck West!!!
Update - The West team won their first round against the Midwest with a score of 3-1. Their likely opponent will be the South at 3:00pm. The finals are viewable on ICC.
Sad conclusion - The West team made it to the finals, but sadly lost to the South with a score of 1-3. Congratulations on a great play-off and for finishing in 2nd Place!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
2007-2008 All Star Winners Posted
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Tucson Scholastics (RQ2) Pictures Posted
Monday, March 31, 2008
2008 Tucson Scholastics (RQ2) Wrap-up
The tournament has been rated. Most likely these new ratings will not be official until May 1.
The 2007-08 SACA scholastic season has come to an end. Thank you for a great year!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Pictures Posted
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Annotated game from Ben Marmont
Also, the West Champions will be facing off against the other Team Champions (East, North, and South) on April 12-13 on ICC. We'll have more information soon on the details when they become available.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Online Registration Coming Soon
Sunday, March 9, 2008
AZ State Grade Photos Posted
Eastside C.C. Championship Results Posted
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Arizona Team Wins US Amateur Team West
The Arizona team, "We Have Cox" won the U.S. Amateur Team West (Los Angeles, Feb. 16-18) with a perfect 6-0 record. 49 teams entered for the best turnout since 2002.
Jonathan and Benjamin also earned top board prizes (3rd and 4th respectively) for each going 5.5 - .5 during the weekend.
Full USCF article here.
Monday, February 11, 2008
January G/5 Blitzing Results Posted
Monday, January 21, 2008
IMPORTANT - New SACA Website Policy Posted
Effective January 7, 2008, SACA has adopted a new policy regarding third-party event and site postings on the website.
The new policy can be found here.
2008 AZ State Grade Final Standings posted
The 2008 AZ State Grade Final Standings are now posted under the events page.
To link directly to the standings, click here.
New pictures uploaded
Pictures from League Matches 1, 2, and 3 have been uploaded to the 2007 Events page.
The 2007 Events page can be found by clicking here.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Recent News
Bobby Fischer passed away
USCL Arizona Scorpions Blog
The newly created U.S. Chess League team, the Arizona Scorpions, now have a blog available at:
Blog today with comments, suggestions, and questions.